CHS COOL College Advisor


We are overwhelmed by the high volume of applicants who see themselves as potential college advisors. Thank you to our community for helping us spread the news about this opportunity.

College Advisor
Cooper High School

JOB DESCRIPTION: This is a full-time professional staff position sponsored by the Abilene Education Foundation. The employee will be based full-time at CHS (school year) and at One AISD Center (summer months) to provide information, advice, and assistance to students encouraging them to pursue higher education. Emphasis will be given to students not intending to attend college or the first in their families to consider a college education. The AEF COOL* Program aims to have more high school students enroll in college after high school.  Responsibilities include the following:

College Advising:

  1. Assist students in reviewing all possible choices for post-secondary education.
  2. Develop methods to identify students not considering post-secondary education and provide information to students and their parents.
  3. Provide information and assistance in identifying and completing appropriate placement tests, admission applications, registration processes, and orientation activities.
  4. Compile and study educational and economic information to aid students in carrying out educational goals.
  5. Coordinate financial advice to students and parents and assist in completing financial aid applications.
  6. Collect, organize, and analyze information about students through records, tests, interviews, and professional sources, to appraise students’ interests, aptitudes, abilities, and personality characteristics for post-secondary educational opportunities.
  7. Act as an institutional liaison with high school and college/vocational counselors and parents.
  8. Make presentations to student groups to emphasize and publicize the advisement activities of the AEF COOL Program.
  9. Coordinate and attend college tours with students who are participating in the program.
  10. Attend professional development conferences to gain new ideas and insights and stay abreast with new educational legislation.
  11. Provide follow-up activities and data to evaluate program efforts concerning the placement rates of the students in higher education and student achievement in college.

Community and Lower Division Outreach:

  1. Provide presentations and interactive career and college path classroom projects to first- and second-year high school students.
  2. Co-conduct senior and lower division student initiatives during the summer.
  3. Host FAFSA workshops at CHS and other high schools as needed.
  4. Present and participate in community partner events encouraging post-secondary education, including after-hours events, as required.
  5. Attend and assist with other community events as needed.
  6. Assist with the annual AEF-AISD College Fair with Abilene High, ATEMS, WCE, Cooper High counselors, and other AEF College Advisors.

*College Offers Opportunities for Life

Abilene Education Foundation is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate against any applicant for employment because of race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, or veteran status. Research shows that men apply for jobs when they meet an average of 60% of the criteria. Yet, women and people from systemically marginalized communities will only apply if they meet every requirement. You are encouraged to apply if you believe you could excel in this role.


Scroll down to the Professional section. Look for #7832 College Advisor at Cooper High School

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